Foire aux questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Comment laver les tricots stitchingduck ? How do you wash the stitchingduck knitted items?

Wash in tepid water and gently soak. Lift out and wrap in towel to take out excess water, do not wring. Dry flat.

Laver à l’eau tiède, et tremper doucement avec peu de savon. Ne pas tordre, à sécher à plat 

Comment me faire livrer ? How do I get my item delivered?

The shawls can be posted flat and sent through normal mail. Allow for postage from France. Large amounts can go via courrier.

Les châles peuvent être poster par une lettre ou envoyer par colissimo. Les colis plus importants sont envoyés par la Poste.

Où trouver les produits stitchingduck ?
Where Can I find the stitching duck items?

My shawls and products can be bought directly, or at the boutique at the Filature de Belvès or in the Fisherton Mill gallery in Salisbury. For direct sales please don’t hesitate to contact me with the form above or via email at Thank you

Mes produits peuvent se trouver directement à la Filature de Belvès ou dans une galerie à Salisbury (Angleterre). Ne pas hésiter  me contacter pour toutes commandes particulières.

Comment personnaliser les produits ?
How do I individualise the items?

I can adapt the colours of shawls to be striped and alter the dimensions. For example, someone may prefer a shawl that is 50 x 180 cm rather than 50 x 135 cm.

In the future the plan is that clothing items can be adjusted for different sizes. 

Quels sont les délais de fabrication ?
What is the production delay?

From receiving your order to packaging it for delivery the delay is up to three weeks.   In exceptional circumstances please forward me an email at

Quelles sont les matières utilisées ? What materials are being used?

What materials do I use? For the shawls, scarves and the reversible hats, it is Italian mixed blend fibre from Milan.  This comprises 58% mohair, 32% polyamide and 10% wool. It comes in different shades dyed by the manufacturers. For other items I use 100% wool for the baby items and wool/acrylic mix for the hats.